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TAB Meandering Ride August 5th

08/03/2023 2:52 PM | Jodie Petcoff (Administrator)

This Saturday, Aug 5th at 8a is Pre-MARR and the Meanderer's are recon-ing the 30-mile route!! We will be collecting feedback to pass along to the powers that be so that we can address any concerns before MARR on Aug 12th. Bring hydration and a snack for the mid-ride rest stop for the route that will average 13-15mph (probably a bit on the slower sIde since we will need to stop and take notes). For those of you that can join us, there will be a light lunch provided after the ride.

If you haven't already signed up to participate in MARR the link below will take you to the registration site. Hope to see you out there!!

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