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Next board meetings: April 10; May 8 (prior to ride).
Meeting starts at 6:30 at the Walbridge Park shelter house, 2761 Broadway St, Toledo, OH 43609.

Board Members

2024-2025 Board Members Name
 PresidentNicole Reece
 Vice PresidentDavid Barret
 SecretaryJodie Petcoff
 TreasurerPete Piraino
 Member-at-Large (Elected)Suzanne Peats
 Member-at-Large (Elected)Eric Wharton
Member-at-Large (Board-Appointed)Joe Connelly
Member-at-Large (Board-Appointed)Amanda Holman
 Member-at-Large (Board-Appointed)Kris Jensen
Past President Joe Peltier
Doug Kilpatrick
 WebmasterSarah Lee
 Ride CaptainChuck Nicewonder
Membership DirectorVacant

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